Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I hope you had a relaxed and merry holiday season. I have been enjoying the post holiday calm immensely. The new year was quietly rung in while watching movies, in bed with some new yarn and fabrics. Perfect.

I've added the first batch of new goodies to the shop. There is much more to come as I sort through the craft sale leftovers and work on new projects, like hand sewn wool and linen mushrooms.

Today was spent deconstructing our Christmas wonderland. I'm sad to see it go but I know that it will hardly seem like a year has gone by when we bring it all out again. The house looks so magical and festive with the decorations up. It takes me a few days to adjust to the "plainness" of our everyday decor.

1 comment:

Christina's mama Hyein said...

I love the Skating Santas.
They are so cute.
I love how you decorated. I think I need some lessons from you.