Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Nearing the Finish

Of the insane work season, that is. We have been utterly consumed with the filling of wholesale orders for Robot Candy. I haven't had any time for the crafting that I love, the sewing, knitting and crochet. I am very much looking forward to January and the relaxed creative time it holds. I did find time to get these little penguin friends sewn up. They are made with the 100% wool felt I love so much. I've got a shop update planned for Monday at 12 noon, it will be small but there will be some penguins for sure.

We did manage to get a tree and all the decorations up. There has been non stop Christmas music playing and we even put together two volumes of a Christmas music mix for our friends and family. It's a good one, too. In fact, I think it's time for and definitely the season for another fun giveaway...leave me a comment with your most and least favorite thing about the holidays. My favorite thing is decorating and my least favorite is probably the god forsaken traffic. I'll include a Christmas cd and some other holiday lovelies for two lucky winners.

I was tagged by Jessica for 10 weird or little known things about me. Here goes:
1:: I love hippos and always have. I really like that they will eat people who venture too close.
2:: I grew up in a cult-like church called the World Wide Church of God, we didn't celebrate Christmas, Halloween or celebrate birthdays. Pretty. Awesome.
3:: I will not mix types of pasta. Which makes it inconvenient for using up those last bits
4:: I have never seen Star Wars and dislike all things sci-fi
5:: I don't like any of the Peanuts holiday specials, I know, it's very unAmerican
6:: I think Justin Timberlake is super cute
7:: I hate Sushi and most seafood. The cult-church also forbade the eating of pork and shellfish but I do like pork
8:: I'm 1/4 Mexican
9:: I have a scar on my chin from where I hit it on the edge of the counter trying to get to the cookie jar when I was 3
10:: I hate to fly, and don't really like to travel in general.

I'm going to sprint to the coaster finish line, we've got 7 orders to go, I think I can do it.
Next post will be a tour of the Christmas decor, hooray!


Girl Land said...

I love your facts!!! Verrrry interesting. Oh, and I had a very nice dream about Justin
Timberlake last night. My husband tells me I dream like a 15 year old girl. Sigh. :)

Christina J. said...

I love making Christmas cookies and I dislike shopping at the mall at this time of year. Luckily, I'm doing my best to purchase handmade items this year, so going to the mall hasn't been an issue!

{kimmymade} said...

You poor thing -- you sound absolutely buried.

I'm shocked about the hippos. I was so excited that they were vegetarian (like myself). I guess it shouldn't surprise me too much, though, as I bite people's heads off when they bother me, too!

Hang in there, and happy holidays!

Favorite part of the holidays for me is... getting gifts for the little ones, and receiving gifts from the parents. Least favorite part is lugging all of the gifts to the Port Authority and on the bus to NJ... with all of the other people doing the same thing. That sucks ass.

Geek+Nerd said...

I love making gifts for people and listening to Bing Crosby Christmas carols. I think the one thing that I hate during Christmas are parades! That probably sounds terrible, but I live in a COLD New England town - too cold to be tramping around the streets anyways, and they cause crazy traffic jams!

Your penguins are so adorable I can't get over it!

monda-loves said...

I love watching Christmas movies on Christmas Eve - 'Elf' was on here in the UK last weekend, one of my faves...

I hate the feeling you get when all the good movies are over - usually means it's time to go back to work :o(

Lovely penguins btw


christina said...


Favorite thing:
The anticipation of seeing friends and family, eating good food and wearing patent leather shoes ;)

Least favorite thing:
I work right next to a mall in NJ. Last year, it took me almost an hour to get out of the PARKING LOT during the week before Christmas.

ikkinlala said...

Favourite thing: getting to go home and see my family.

Least favourite thing: the 10-hour bus ride to get there.

Those penguins are too cute!

Violette Crumble said...

I'm seriously putting it in my planner to get to your shop in time for one of those penguins. Too cute! I love their signature scarves.

I also can't appreciate the Peanuts specials or mix pastas. I throw out the last bits. Glad to hear you can enjoy the holidays now, that's important.
Also, glad to hear business is good, despite the tediousness of it all.

Favorite part of holidays: Making homemade candy as gifts, eating big meal with family.

Least favorite part: Putting away the decorations when it's all over. Feeling like my homemade candy is never enough for some people.

Angie said...

I'm 1/4 mexican too. ;)

My fave is Christmas eve with friends and family.. and pomegranate martinis. Least fave would definately be the 'burn out' feeling when it's all said and done.

Anonymous said...

I just watched a nature show where they said that in Africa more people die from hippos than all the other animals combined. Amazing. So cute and so deadly.

My most favorite thing about Christmas is definitely family. But I also love Christmas cookies, maybe a little too much.

My least favorite thing would be that the Christmas season starts so early. Its just wrong to start seeing Christmas stuff before Halloween.

And the penguins are absolutely adorable!

Anonymous said...

I love the ornaments- such cute, wintery birdies!

Kristi said...

My favorite sister has a deep love of Hippos and has quite the collection of stuffed animals and figurines.

Anonymous said...

so I know this is random and kind of ridiculous coming from a complete stranger, but I'm up late and was reading your blog and read about how you went to that crazy church as a kid and I wanted to read about it so I checked out their website....and I thought you'd be interested in knowing that they've "changed their ways" and actually admit they were wrong and it says so plain as day on the site. Surprising, no?